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This is something I was really missing in the entire podcast, so far you talked about sustainable datacenters and the options there, but energy consumption was not really featured in the podcast (i have to note that i'm only 1 season in, and have yet to listen to the second season).

I would very much like to go in depth and learn how we can educate ourselves, eachother, ... on when to properly use AI and when we shouldn't

Its easy to state that chatGPT is there for everyone, and people shouldn't ask it for facts because those are things they can google. yet john doe in the street doesn't care and uses it as he seems fit. So it's kind of the far west here

I understand that people want to experiment with it as well, but if i hear how much 1 prompt costs energy wise i really feel like i should not do that just yet. Do i stay away from AI waiting for the sector to find better ways to reduce energy consumption? And in doing so do i not just risk missing the boat.

Or am i just inflating the problem in my head while this is just something that will get dealth with over time.

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